Post Contribution, Youth Show Style-Youth Forum Held by Youth League Committee of AVIC Elevator Company

As the 100 anniversary of the May Fourth Movement is approaching, in order to inherit and carry forward the glorious tradition of the May Fourth Movement, guide the majority of young employees to firmly establish the concept of scientific development, give full play to the characteristics of young people who dare to think, think, do, and innovate. Encourage young people to think boldly, innovate boldly, and make bold suggestions based on the actual development of the company. The Youth League Committee of AVIC Elevator Company held the May Fourth Youth Forum on April 29. The company's middle-level and above leading cadres and young workers attended the meeting.


AVIC Elevator Company Organized Young Employees to Watch Live Broadcast of the 100 Anniversary of the May 4th Movement

At 10:30 am on April 30th, the meeting to commemorate the 100 anniversary of the May Fourth Movement was held in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of the State, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission attended the meeting and delivered an important speech. AVIC Elevator Company organized more than 80 young employees to watch the live broadcast of the conference.


The second congress of the committee of the Communist Youth League Guizhou AVIC Elevator Co., Ltd. was successfully completed!

On July 12, the second congress of the Committee of the Communist Youth League Guizhou AVIC Elevator Co., Ltd. was held ceremoniously. The conference first held a preparatory meeting, the company's youth league secretary Wen Wen presided over the meeting. The preparatory meeting read out the discipline of the conference, the approval documents of the company's party committee and group company, reviewed and approved the list of the presidium, the list of candidates for the election and vote counting of the conference and the list of candidates for the second session of the committee. Zhang Weihua, deputy secretary of the company's party committee and chairman of the trade union, attended the preparatory meeting.


The general election of all Youth League branches of AVIC Elevator Company was successfully completed

In order to further strengthen the construction of grass-roots League organizations, give full play to the role of grass-roots League organizations as the party's assistant and reserve army, and improve the ability of League organizations to serve production and youth, from August 27 to 30, the League branch of AVIC Elevator Engineering Center, the League branch of manufacturing center, the League branch of Hangao elevator and the comprehensive League branch approved by the Party committee and Youth League Committee of the company have successfully completed various agendings, The new members.


The general election of all Youth League branches of AVIC Elevator was successfully completed!

In order to further strengthen the construction of grass-roots League organizations, give full play to the role of grass-roots League organizations as the party's assistant and reserve army, and improve the ability of League organizations to serve production and youth, from August 27 to 30, the League branch of AVIC Elevator Engineering Center, the League branch of manufacturing center, the League branch of Hangao elevator and the comprehensive League branch approved by the Party committee and Youth League Committee of the company have successfully completed various agendings, The new members.


Love reading, can read, read good books-AVIC Elevator Company Youth League Committee held a reading sharing exchange meeting

In order to create a good reading atmosphere, form a good reading atmosphere, and enrich the cultural life of the company's youth, on November 27, 2019, the Youth League Committee of AVIC Elevator Company held the "Love Reading, Reading, Reading Good Books-Reading Sharing Exchange".


"Yao my youth" football league victory closed!



Workers' Home | Hot in Summer, Warm in Heart

In order to effectively protect the health of the majority of employees during the high temperature period, maintain the normal production order of the enterprise and the stability of the workforce, the labor union and the Youth League Committee of AVIC Elevator Company jointly carried out summer cool activities to send care to employees.


Corporate Culture | Book Infiltrates Heart, Reading Grows with Me-Reading Sharing Meeting Held by AVIC Elevator Youth League Committee

With the book as a companion, live up to youth. From autumn to winter, in this cold winter day, books can bring comfort to people, and reading can bring warmth to people. In order to enrich the spare time life of the company's employees and form a good reading atmosphere, on the afternoon of December 11, the Youth League Committee of Guizhou AVIC Elevator Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "AVIC Elevator") held the "Book Infiltrates the Soul, Reading Accompanies My Growth-Reading Sharing Exchange Meeting", more than 10 young comrades from various departments of the company gathered together to share their reading experiences and insights.


AVIC Elevator Youth League Committee Held "Let Sports Become Habit, Let Youth Shine More" May 4th Theme Running Activity

On the occasion of the May 4th Youth Day, in order to inherit and carry forward the spirit of the May 4th Movement and show the youth style of the company, on the morning of April 30, Guizhou AVIC Elevator Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "AVIC Elevator") launched the "May 4th" mini running activity with the theme of "making exercise a habit and making youth shine more". 45 young employees of AVIC Elevator participated in the activity.


AVIC Elevator Launching Summer "Send Cool" Condolences

In order to deepen the study and education of party history, solidly carry out the practical activities of "I do practical things for the masses", and earnestly do a good job in ensuring high-temperature services for front-line employees, on August 2, the AVIC Elevator Union and the Youth League Committee launched a summer "send cool" activity.


AVIC Elevator Youth League Committee Held Fun Activities to Commemorate "May 4th" Youth Festival

On May 8, AVIC Elevator held a variety of interesting activities such as rope skipping, backgammon game, tug-of-war and color card watching.


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